News 10/06/2024 15:10:04

THE WINNER of #HamparanTableGiveaway!!

After a month of funny and creative messages, we are delighted to announce the #hamparantablegiveaway lucky winner.

Special congratulations to Mr. Aulia Bahar Badri @auliabadri, your comment impressed us, made it to the final list, and ultimately was lucky enough to become the winner of the #hamparantablegiveaway.

We would like to thank all participants. All the comments were inspiring and many of them put a smile on our faces.

Follow us on instagram @hamparanstone, and make sure you don't out on future giveaway and latest promotion from Hamparan Stone.


Contact Us:

Hamparan Stone Jakarta:

Jl. Arteri Mangga Dua Raya, Blok F4 No. 25, Jakarta 10730, Phone/WhatsApp: 0877 1010 7977

Hamparan Stone Bandung:

Jl. Cicendo No.3, Pasir Kaliki, Bandung, Phone/WhatsApp: 0852 8888 3515

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