News 10/06/2024 15:10:04

Hamparan Stone Supporting Lions Club Indonesia's Mission to Help Children Battling Cancer in Indonesia

The Lions Club, a dedicated volunteer service organization deeply rooted in community welfare, traces its origins to the United States in 1917. Initially known as The International Association of Lions Clubs (Lions Clubs International), it has global representation, including a presence at the United Nations. In Indonesia, the Lions Club has been making a significant impact since November 18, 1969, operating under the name Lions Club of Jakarta (Lions Club Jakarta Host). Subsequently, on July 1, 1975, Yayasan Lions Indonesia was established in Jakarta.


Inspired by their noble mission, Hamparan Stone and Yayasan Lions Indonesia have joined forces to support children battling cancer in Indonesia. This collaborative effort aims to address the comprehensive needs of these young patients in distress. The overarching goal is to create a secure haven for these brave individuals, who often travel great distances to receive life-saving treatments in the heart of the capital.


Our partnership symbolizes a shared dedication to making a profound impact on the lives of young cancer patients and their families. Beyond providing essential medical care, Yayasan Lions Indonesia places a strong emphasis on emotional support, the establishment of safe houses, and acknowledging the unique challenges faced by these young warriors.


This ongoing initiative relies on community fundraising and contributions to ensure holistic care for these children. As we reflect on the continued progress of this collaborative endeavor, it serves as a powerful testament to the collective strength of compassion and community support. It underscores the unwavering commitment of Hamparan Stone and Yayasan Lions Indonesia to bring about lasting positive change for children bravely battling cancer.

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